When you plan to purchase lockers, nowadays, you may forget about traditional metal lockers. Instead, the plastic locker is an ideal choice for you.
Believe it or not,
plastic lockers actually have much more advantages than metal lockers. Made from corrosion resistant ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and high-density polyethylene, the plastic lockers are strong and durable.
Compared with steel lockers, it's easy to clean plastic lockers. They can be washed by water spray without any damage. This feature makes these lockers ideal for the pharmaceutical and food processing industries. Unlike their metal counterparts, plastic lockers are water-resistant and rust-resistant, which makes them ideal for being used in damp environments like gyms, spas, school locker rooms, swimming pools and theme parks.
Plastic lockers also mean added security for your students when being used as school lockers. Many plastic lockers manufacturers also offer additional features like designing specific rubber edges as a special protection for students and prevent them being hurt when they are bumped into the lockers out of carelessness.
Plastic lockers are typically modular, which makes them much easier to assemble than metal lockers. This will help save labour costs for business operators. Another advantage of plastic is that if it is damaged (which is highly unlikely considering their durable construction), it is easy to repair and can be put back to place in no time. This is quite a contrast to metal, which often is more inconvenient and more expensive to repair than replace.